
Some Korean Emoticons..

Nowadays i kinna get used chatting with special emoticons, hmm some are standard... yg basic2 kayak --> T.T gitoe doang haha~~ sometimes my friends give me cute emoticons/smiley/icon2 lucu~~ en kayaknya kalo kita pake msn korea itu, ada bonus emoticons tambahan yg ga ada di msn laen... more cute lahh~~ my msn is in korean, also my hotmail... yah~~ rada2 pusing dikit bacanya, since it's all written in hangul ^_^' maksa banget dah hehehe~~ tapi gpp, demi emoticons lucu...Ok below is some basic emoticons :

1. (*__)
2. ^o)
3. -_- = an expressionless face
4. -0- , -0-;;= 하품 (yawn)
5. o(T^T)o ===> got sulky~
o o = hand
( ) = face
^ = mouth
T T = crying
can you imagine what it looks like now? haha~~
7. ^___*
8. ㅋㅋㅋ ===> means "kikiki" in korean or "hahaha"... just like "lol" in Korea, I do type "lol"
many times on chat box, then dongseng asked me kok gw sering banget pake tu "lol" setelah
gw jelasin baru deh dia "ngeh" and dia bilang dia juga pake "ㅋㅋ" as " haha" uncountable
times... kalo lagi kumat gilanya dia suka tulis :
and setelah dia jelasin gw juga baru "ngeh" sama artinya dia pas nulis tu character ^_^'
9. 우씌 ==> Do you want to die???
10. -_-; , -_-;; ' -_-;; = cold sweat or unbearable (basically something that is a source of
11. (*__)-@ ===> punch, kalo lagi pengen nonjok orang, boleh juga nih haha~~
12. (-(-(-.-)-)-) ===> 5 hoolligans
13. @>-------- ===>rose
14. @.@ = dizzy +_+ ← wanting something
15. ^____^*
16. ㅠㅠ (might not work without Korean fonts), ㅜㅜ===> crying 울기
17. ^^, ^-^, ^__^, ^ㅡ^ = happy.. smile.. 웃기
18. >_< = 꺄악 (screaming)
19. OTL
expressing desperation /disappointment. (an image of a man kneeling down with both
hands to the ground) O = head T = arms to the ground L = legs
20. ^^; = smiling with sweat falling off ur forehead
21. > < = winking in disbelief
(^_^) = smile
(^o^) = laughing out loud
d(^_^)b = thumbs up (not ears)
(T_T) = sad (it's a crying face)
(-.-)Zzz = sleeping
(Z.Z) = sleepy person
\(^_^)/ = cheers, hurrah
(*^^*) = shyness
(-_-); = sweating (as in ashamed)
(^_^);; = sorry! my mistake
(?_?) = nonsense, i don't know
(^_~) = wink
(o.O) = surprisev
(^_^)v = victory
(>^_^)> = hugging
(>^_^)><(^_^<) = hugging each other
(^o^) = Animals
:>))))'> = a fish
>))))'><'((((< = kissing fish
(^o^)<')++++< = a fish bone
Vm~ = a fox
() () = a rabbit (^.^)
(^(oo)^) = a pig
('v')(( )) = a bird
-"-"-()()() ()()()(-(-(-.-)-)-) = rabbit gang
= = = = :} = a snakeThings
:@}-;--`-- = a rose
>(/////)< = a candy
=]::::::> = a sword
---E = a fork

ps: sisanya masih banyak lagi emoticon2 lucu.. tapi yg udah jadi, animasi~~!! gw suka copy koleksi emoticons dongseng and getting addicted to them....very cute ^_^

emoticons, wikipedia
korean emoticons, underground
korean emoticons and japanese smileys
korean emoticons forum
a small guide to korean smileys
emote koreans