
watching SBS onair online streaming

well.. penasaran gmana bisa nonton SBS online gara2 drama Rooftop Prince yang masi airing... ga sabar nungguin torrent nya di upload atau live streamingnya di upload T.T
iseng2 gw googling.. nemu deh di website ini

asikk, coba ah.. berhubung gw cuman pengen nonton SBS, gw cuma baca yg bagian SBS, tapi di website itu banyak kok tv korea laen mis.nya KBS etc, jadi bwat yg mo liat tv laen juga en internetnya kenceng, bisa langsung cek aja di website itu :)

untuk SBS Website Live Streaming :

Go to the SBS website and login (you must have a SBS ID). Click on the “On Air” or (온에어) icon near the top left corner of the screen and wait while the TV screen on the left loads up.

If you need a SBS ID, go HERE to sign up. Click on the two “Agree” buttons and then choosing to sign up “Foreigner in overseas.” Fill in the information requested. You must provide verification of your ID by sending either a gif/jpg image of your ID card or faxing/emailing them a copy of your ID card.

This is the last page after registering form is submitted. Gotta wait 24hours for the reply, will i get sbs id or not? i don't know yet! i just signed up lol... will update soon ;)

Updated : Yiy! I got the ID ^^v
