
Life-Style : Anniversary and celebration boom in Korea

From Wine Day (Oct. 14) to Apply Day (Oct. 24) to Halloween Day (Oct. 31) to Movie Day (Nov. 14) -- there are so many “days” to celebrate in Korea these days! In addition to Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14) and White Day (March 14), which are the largest events in the lives of young people in Korea, there are some 20 other “days,” mostly on the 14th on every month, that young Koreans celebrate.

Unlike in the past, when anniversaries were celebrated to commemorate past events, like birthdays, weddings and founding days, nowadays people mark anniversaries for a different reason. And those anniversaries are the well familiar “days.


Celebration days

January 14: Diary Day
The day of presenting your lover with a cute diary and a basket of flowers
February 14: Valentine’s Day
The day when girls and women present their boyfriends with chocolate and confess their love
March 14: White Day
The day when boys and men present their girlfriends with chocolate and confess their love
April 14: Black Day
The day when people who have no lovers eat black Chinese noodles together
May 14: Rose Day
The day when lovers present each other with roses to express their love
Yellow Day
The day when those who were unable to eat black noodles on Black Day go to eat yellow curry rice
June 14: Kiss Day
The day when lovers kiss to confirm their love
July 14: Silver Day
The day when lovers exchange silver rings to make a promise for the future
August 14: Music Day
The day of presenting a CD with love songs
September 14: Photo Day
The day when lovers take pictures to keep memories of their love
October 14: Wine Day
The day when lovers drink wine and share love
November 11: Ppeppero Day
The day of presenting Ppeppero cookies
November 14: Movie Day
The day when lovers go to see a movie holding hands
Hug Day
The day of giving hugs to your loved ones
December 14: Money Day
The day of spending generously for your lover
Sock Day
The day of presenting socks ahead of Christmas

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Chuseok Day 2007

Eh~~ Minggu depan ada Ch'usŏk(Chuseok) ^^ artinya 9/22~9/26 di Korea libur bow~ hehe....
Tahun ini Chuseok jatuh tanggal 25 September 2007. Buat yang ga 'ngeh' atawa ngerti Choseuk itu apaan...Ch'usŏk(Chuseok) itu hari besarnya Korea, semacam thanks-giving day gitu lah~ Hari dimana orang2 Korea mengucapkan terima kasih buat sang pencipta untuk setahun kemakmuran (hasil kerja?)dan berbagi sama temen2 plus keluarga.

According to the solar calendar, the official chuseok holiday is from september 24 to 26. however, because this year's chuseok is right after the weekend, the holidays will be froms eptember 22 to 26 for 5 days. Many events will be happening on this day..Visiting Ancestral Graves, Ancestor-Memorial Service, Ssireum (Wrestling),Ganggangsullae (Korean Circle Dance),Chuseokbim (Chuseok Dress), and of course, lotta nice foods will be made on this day~~


3 bule vs 1 korean :O siapa yang menang ya?~

LAPD, 백인 상대 한인 인종혐오범죄 수사
(로스앤젤레스=연합뉴스) 장익상 특파원 = 로스앤젤레스경찰국(LAPD)이 코리아타운에서 백인들을 상대로 발생한 한인들의 인종혐오 범죄 신고를 접수하고 수사에 나섰다.
12일 LAPD 윌셔경찰서에 따르면 주말인 지난 8일 새벽 2시께 코리아타운 중심가에서 한인 남성 2명이 길가던 백인 남성 2명과 여성 1명 등 3명을 폭행하고 달아났다는 것.
피해자들은 경찰에서 “용의자들은 BMW 승용차를 타고 우리 곁을 지나다 먼저 영어로 욕설을 퍼부었고 이를 무시한채 계속 걸어갔으나 차에서 내려 `왜 우리의 영역인 코리아타운에 왔느냐’며 폭행하기 시작했다”고 주장했다.
Source: www.yonhapnews.co.kr

What!!? 3 bule dipukulin gara2 mampir ke Los Angeles Koreatown, cuman ama 1 korean guy? :O *ga mo percaya mode on* Kira2 ceritanya gini: ada 3 bule (2 co and 1 ce) lagi jalan2 di LA Koreatown trus di deketin BMW yg didalemnya ada orang Korea, gw ga jelas cowo apa cewe orang Korea-nya yg jelas pasti co ya ^^; and ngomong something not nice kayaknya ke 3 bule itu, tapi dicuekin. Trus si Korean jadi angot (marah2), BMWnya berenti and tu korean ngedeketin bule2 itu sambil ngumpat "ngapain lo ke koreantown?" en langsung mukulin mereka.. gw ga tau bener or ga'nya anyway, since gw cuman dapet tu berita dari news link....Tauk deh, cuman sedih aja, kenapa sih banyak berita jelek ttg korean people T.T gw ga mau terimaaaaaa T.T coz sejauh ini gw ga pernah bermasalah ama korean friends gw..anyway...mungkin emang ada beberapa Koreans yg stupid kaya berita di atas... tapi ga berarti kita bisa judge gitu dong, gw lupa liat judgement tentang news ini di blognya siapa, yg jelas dari tulisannya keliatan banget kalo ni orang benci abis ama koreans.
But, ada satu yg nulis komen netral (kenapa gw bilang netral, coz dia juga ga langsung marah2 tapi berusaha ramah and netral nanggepin tulisannya si penulis), kalo ga salah dia ngomong gini:
Personally, even though I’m a Korean myself, I don’t really like Korea. Ever since I really got to know the country and the people here, I just can’t love it. So many people are messed up, and you especially can’t expect any attiquete on the internet from them. And it’s true that many Koreans are very closed minded. Some people are arrogant because they’ve been taught that way the the Korean society. This is how it goes; there are lots of people who don’t like foreigners at all, people who love white people but think they’re superior then black people, and the last group of people who are open minded to all races (but they tend to hate Korea and the fact that they’re Korean; there are exceptions).
But really, even in such a messed up country like Korea, there ARE some good people like there is everywhere else in the world; they’re just really hard to find. So please, don’t make judgements on your first sight of seeing a Korean. At least talk to them for few minutes, THEN hate them if you must.

Aduh, leganya ternyata ada juga yg netral and gw yakin pasti lebih banyak lagi yg netral bakal ikutan komen di website itu kalo mereka pada baca juga.. Gw aja kaget pas bacanya...


Typhoon Nari strikes South Korea

Typhoon Nari made land late last night, striking the southern coast of South Korea, before whirling north east towards the Korean Peninsula. More than ten people were killed on the island of Cheju by the heavy rain and strong winds generated by the typhoon.

Nari, named after a South Korean flower, is the eleventh typhoon to have formed so far this year and has been lashing the country with heavy rain since its approach on Saturday. The Korean Meteorological Service (KMS) estimating that 590mm (23.2 inches) of rain fell in Cheju over the weekend, washing away roads and farmland and forcing the cancellation of more than 300 flights.

Nari has since weakened and is moving away from land across the Sea of Japan. The Joint Typhoon Warning Centre has issued a final warning for the typhoon which is not expected to cause anymore damage. They are now keeping a close eye on Typhoon Wipha which has recently formed off the south east coast of China, and looks set to track towards the city of Shanghai.


Endless Love diputer di KBS World ~!!

Masih inget ga ama drama melow yg ini? Endless Love/Autumn Story/Autumn in My Heart/apa aja deh... banyak banget yak namanya haha~~ Kmaren, abis saur, ga sengaja gw muter channel KBS (channel #68 di indovision) soalnya suka ada drama2 bagus sekitar jam segituan hehehe... lho taunya malah liat "endless love" diputer lagi :D hehe kebetulan deh, soalnya udah rada2 kangen ama Won bin, Song Hae Gyo, Song Seung Hun.. cakep2 siiii ^^ gw suka banget ama film tentang cinta sejati ini, apalagi kalo pemain2nya bisa bawain karakternya masing-masing dengan sangat bagus2 (yg jarang sekali bisa gw temuin di sinetron2 indonesia *sighs* )Filmnya mulai dari jam 3.30-4 pagi, tiap hari senin.. lumayan juga sih, coz it means durasi 30menit-an and no iklan bow~ jadi kira2 hampir sama kayak sejam di indosiar yg full iklan 'kali yach hehehe buat yg belum pernah nonton, intip aja sinopsis/review di sini (coz gw terlalu males buat ngebahas ceritanya lagi di sini hehe) Buat yg belum pernah nonton drama ini siap2 tissue yang banyak deh hihi.

Waaaah, jadi semangat lagi deh nunggu subuh abis selese saur ^^


Hangul's Today : Calling (전화 드리다)

Biasanya tiap kali K-people terima telpon,kalimat pertama yg di ucap pasti "yo bo se yo" pertama kali sempet juga salah denger hehehe, kirain "an nyong ha se yo" en kalo sepintas juga cuman kedengeran "yong se yo" doang hehehe.. kadang lucu juga ya.. tiap negara beda2 kalimat sapa-nya, Indonesia cukup "halo" huruf L tengah di baca ringan and penekanan biasanya pada huruf "o" , In english cukup "hello", di Jepang lumayan unik "Moshi moshi" , di Belanda "HaLLo" en pake penekanan di double L nya, and di Korea "Yo bo se yo"..Koreans biasanya pake, "yoboseyo", ini hanya untuk menjawab telepon (coz buat hello in generally as far as i know is an nyong ha se yo).

여보세요 = yo bo se yo / yeo bo se yo -- both are right.
여보세요. ___ 씨 계세요? = Yeoboseyo. ___ssi gyeseyo? = Hello. Is ___ there?
여보세요. ___ 씨 좀 부탁합니다 = Yeoboseyo. ___ssi jom butakhamnida = Hello. May I speak to ___ please?

Another Basic Conversation by phone :

(Note this line is all impolite/familar/informal)
여보세요, ____ 있어요? = Yo-bo-sae-yo, ____ i-sso-yo?
예, 있어요. 누구세요? = Yeah, i-sso-yo, nu-gu-sae-yo?
____예요. = _____-yae-yo
안녕, ___. ____ 너한테 전화 왔어. ____야. 잠시만 기다려.
= An-nyong ____. ____ han-tae chon-hwa wa-sso. ____-ya. Cham-shi-man ki-da-ryo.)

My name is ______, may I talk to _______?
je irum un ______ ye yo, ______ i wa tong wa hal su i so yo?
제 이름은 _____, 미란이와 통화 할 수 있어요?
Yes, one moment please.
jam kan ghi da ri se yo.
잠깐 기다리세요.
No, ____ is not at home right now.
mi an ha ji man, _____ i jib e up so yo.
미안하지만, ____ 집에 없어요.
I don't speak Korean ok, just a little bit...
jo nun han kuk mal jal mot eh yo, jo kum ba ke...
저는 한국말 잘 못해요, 조금 밖에...
What time can I get her?
miot si cium tong wa hal su i so yo?
몇시 쯤 통화 할 수 있어요?
Is she working?
il ha go i so yo?
일하고 있어요?
Yes, no...
ne, aniyo...
네, 아니요...
Don't tell her I called her ok, it's a surprise for her.
je ga jon wa et da go mal ha ji ma se yo, nol le ju go si po yo.
제가 전화했다고 말하지 마세요, 놀래주고 싶어요.
Thank u very much.
go mab sum ni da.
Good bye.
an yong i ghe se yo.
안녕히 계세요.



My Angel - Fly To The Sky (플라이투더스카이)

Full House Season 2

Season 2 of the hit KBS drama series 'Full House' is in the making.

Park Chang-sik at Kim Jong-hak Production says "Jo Jeong-hwa has been working on the script for a year and the script is ready for the 3rd episode so far. Overseas shooting is also under review."

Casting will begin this year and the drama will be filmed and aired next year. The director has yet to be decided.

Park says "The first series in 2004 was beloved at home, in China and Southeast Asia so that many Asian broadcasters offered to produce their own series. A well made season 2 could hit it big at home and abroad. It's unclear whether Rain and Song Hye-kyo will be recast."

Full House, which ended airing in September 2004, was based on a popular same-titled Korean comic by Won Soo-yeon about a trendy young couple's love story. Rain and Song were touted as the most lovely drama couple.



Hangul's Today : Saying Happy Birthday ( 행복한 생일 )

How to say happy birthday in korean?
행복한 생일 = Happy Birthday
How to sing the happy birthday song in korean?

Seng il chook ha ham ni da~
Seng il chook ha ham ni da~
사랑하는 ............ (put your friend's name here)
Sa rang ha nuen .............
Seng il chook ha ham ni da~

Ah! and I've found something about Korean habit regarding this song.

Koreans are ardent clap-and-sing people. People love to clap along with the beat at concerts (even sometimes when it’s inappropriate, as I witnessed occasionally at the Jeonju Sori Festival), and when they sing together in a group in informal social situations, clapping is de rigeur. The thing is, the clapping is almost always done in a 2/4 or 4/4 rhythm, and usually on the downbeat…When westerners sing “Happy Birthday”, the downbeats come like this: Happy Birth–day to you, Happy Birth–day to you, Happy Birth–day dear Bob–by, Happy Birth–day to you.
But when Koreans sing it, they clap on every second beat, which puts the downbeats like this:
Seng–Il Chuk–ha ham–ni da! [2], Seng–Il Chuk–ha ham–ni da! [2], Sarang ha–neun Chull–su–eui, Seng–Il Chuk–ha ham–ni da! [2].



Hangul's Today : Saying Cute (귀여운)

I used to write "귀여워 에노 누나" for my email signature... just found out and been told that was wrong words T.T
I supposed to write it "귀여 에노 누나", not "귀여 에노 누나" at the bottom of my email.. so when i wrote "귀여워 에노 누나" dongseng said it doesn't make sense for him, as it is supposed to be said to another person, not to myself.

귀여 -> you can say this word when you want to express something (person or animal or etc.) is cute or lovely. can be used by itself
귀여-> if there is something that is cute or lovely and you want to say it's cute, you should say the something (that is noun) with this word "귀여운"(that is adjective)
Example :
cute baby -> 귀여운 아기(baby : a gi), you can't say only 귀여운 and also "귀여운 에노 누나" -> in this sentence i used that word with "에노 누나" which is noun

귀엽다고 하지 말아요 -> gue yuop da go ha je mal a yo => please don't say that I'm cute
귀엽다고 하지마 also same meaning as "귀엽다고 하지 말아요" but you can use this kind of short expression to the people whose the age is same as you or younger than you.

* Cute : 귀여운 (gui-yo-wun)
* Aren't I cute : 내가 귀엽지 (nae-ga gui-yop-ji)
* Pretty : 예뻐 (ye-ppo)
* Aren't I pretty : (내가 예쁘지) (nae-ga ye-ppeu-ji)

그럼 담에 또 봐요. 잘 지내요~~
( gu rum dam e tto ba yo. jal ji ne yo).
Means: See you next time. take care~~ :P

People from all over the world coming to learn Korean

안녕히 계세요

haha~~ of course it's a joke...
tapi ga munafik dong, kadang gw pernah punya feeling just like that, kalo lagi bete bertumpuk ama seseorang...want to kill someone so bad, but can't coz you are just a normal, humble person? haha~~ why don't you express it in korean words... paling ga, kalo di ucapin di Indo, banyak yg ga ngarti.. en kalo di ucapin di Korea, bisa bikin orang terkaget2 haha~~

안녕히 계세요 <-- complete expression for that, but for fun you can use like this 안녀이 계세 except for "" meaning is same but for fun~ don't need to say 요 if you want to make a joke..you can say only that but don't say to senior or old people :P

초딩이가? = cho ding e ga? = haven't you grown up yet?
돌았나? <--are you crazy? ; 미쳤나 same meaning
초딩이가? = are you a student in elementary school?

Haha~~ better off before someone want to kill me :P i have more bad words. but not gonna put here :P :P

Chingu (친구)

namja = man
gyo ja = female
여자 = female
여자친구? a girl friend ; but could be also just female friend
to be absolutely a "girl friend" better just use 애인 <--can be used for both sex
example : " is he your 애인? " means is he/she your lover or beloved person?
애인 <-- easier... and more like a lover coz 여자친구 <-- can be also just a friend

namja chingu iso? = do you have a bf?
우린 친구 = we are friend = wu rin chin gu
친구 = chin gu = friend
wu ri = we
우린 = wu rin = we are
wu ri chin gu ga? wu rin chin gu ji <-- can be both a asking question and replying question, it depends on what kind of question is the accent of the last word, and it depends on the accent that what kind of question it becomes. aiyooh... quite difficult to express T.T

Hyun Bin - Fall In Love Again