
3 bule vs 1 korean :O siapa yang menang ya?~

LAPD, 백인 상대 한인 인종혐오범죄 수사
(로스앤젤레스=연합뉴스) 장익상 특파원 = 로스앤젤레스경찰국(LAPD)이 코리아타운에서 백인들을 상대로 발생한 한인들의 인종혐오 범죄 신고를 접수하고 수사에 나섰다.
12일 LAPD 윌셔경찰서에 따르면 주말인 지난 8일 새벽 2시께 코리아타운 중심가에서 한인 남성 2명이 길가던 백인 남성 2명과 여성 1명 등 3명을 폭행하고 달아났다는 것.
피해자들은 경찰에서 “용의자들은 BMW 승용차를 타고 우리 곁을 지나다 먼저 영어로 욕설을 퍼부었고 이를 무시한채 계속 걸어갔으나 차에서 내려 `왜 우리의 영역인 코리아타운에 왔느냐’며 폭행하기 시작했다”고 주장했다.
Source: www.yonhapnews.co.kr

What!!? 3 bule dipukulin gara2 mampir ke Los Angeles Koreatown, cuman ama 1 korean guy? :O *ga mo percaya mode on* Kira2 ceritanya gini: ada 3 bule (2 co and 1 ce) lagi jalan2 di LA Koreatown trus di deketin BMW yg didalemnya ada orang Korea, gw ga jelas cowo apa cewe orang Korea-nya yg jelas pasti co ya ^^; and ngomong something not nice kayaknya ke 3 bule itu, tapi dicuekin. Trus si Korean jadi angot (marah2), BMWnya berenti and tu korean ngedeketin bule2 itu sambil ngumpat "ngapain lo ke koreantown?" en langsung mukulin mereka.. gw ga tau bener or ga'nya anyway, since gw cuman dapet tu berita dari news link....Tauk deh, cuman sedih aja, kenapa sih banyak berita jelek ttg korean people T.T gw ga mau terimaaaaaa T.T coz sejauh ini gw ga pernah bermasalah ama korean friends gw..anyway...mungkin emang ada beberapa Koreans yg stupid kaya berita di atas... tapi ga berarti kita bisa judge gitu dong, gw lupa liat judgement tentang news ini di blognya siapa, yg jelas dari tulisannya keliatan banget kalo ni orang benci abis ama koreans.
But, ada satu yg nulis komen netral (kenapa gw bilang netral, coz dia juga ga langsung marah2 tapi berusaha ramah and netral nanggepin tulisannya si penulis), kalo ga salah dia ngomong gini:
Personally, even though I’m a Korean myself, I don’t really like Korea. Ever since I really got to know the country and the people here, I just can’t love it. So many people are messed up, and you especially can’t expect any attiquete on the internet from them. And it’s true that many Koreans are very closed minded. Some people are arrogant because they’ve been taught that way the the Korean society. This is how it goes; there are lots of people who don’t like foreigners at all, people who love white people but think they’re superior then black people, and the last group of people who are open minded to all races (but they tend to hate Korea and the fact that they’re Korean; there are exceptions).
But really, even in such a messed up country like Korea, there ARE some good people like there is everywhere else in the world; they’re just really hard to find. So please, don’t make judgements on your first sight of seeing a Korean. At least talk to them for few minutes, THEN hate them if you must.

Aduh, leganya ternyata ada juga yg netral and gw yakin pasti lebih banyak lagi yg netral bakal ikutan komen di website itu kalo mereka pada baca juga.. Gw aja kaget pas bacanya...