haha~~ of course it's a joke...
tapi ga munafik dong, kadang gw pernah punya feeling just like that, kalo lagi bete bertumpuk ama seseorang...want to kill someone so bad, but can't coz you are just a normal, humble person? haha~~ why don't you express it in korean words... paling ga, kalo di ucapin di Indo, banyak yg ga ngarti.. en kalo di ucapin di Korea, bisa bikin orang terkaget2 haha~~
안녕히 계세요 <-- complete expression for that, but for fun you can use like this 안녀이 계세 except for "요" meaning is same but for fun~ don't need to say 요 if you want to make a joke..you can say only that but don't say to senior or old people :P
초딩이가? = cho ding e ga? = haven't you grown up yet?
돌았나? <--are you crazy? ; 미쳤나 same meaning
초딩이가? = are you a student in elementary school?
Haha~~ better off before someone want to kill me :P i have more bad words. but not gonna put here :P :P