
Stereotypes regarding Blood Type in Korea

"What's your blood type?" most likely you'll get this question when you meet someone in Korea or who is Korean...

In Korea, or Koreans think its importance to know a person's blood type, in order to know and understand the person better. Sometimes u think...why would people ask?
It’s simply because there is a theory that bloodtypes have certain personality traits associated to them, and although it’s not a common belief nor do people take it truly seriously, most people are aware of the theory and refer to it from time to time. It’s often mentioned in popular culture, and there are even many movies about this subject.

when i was browsing around i found this... so cute lol
you can check personalities of your partner... and if you are a good match to him/her..
its fun!

1st place: Type B
You are apt to fall in and out of love very quickly, and you can be attracted to several people at the same time. You are often mentioned in rumors, as you cheat on your partner and don't bother to conceal it. Even if you do get caught cheating, you simply say, "OK, I won't do it again." You never want to be stressed by relationships, so you often break them off your in the twinkling of an eye.

2nd place: Type AB
You have a confident personality and believe you won't get caught if you cheat on your partner. You often play innocent while making bold moves, such as sending SMS messages to one person while on a date with another

3rd place: Type O
Once you have made up your mind to be serious about your partner, you will not cheat on them.

Last place: Type A
What may appear as prudishness on your part, can actually be attributed to your belief that cheating on your partner is fundamentally wrong. Basically, you never cheat on your partner, period. If you do start seeing another person, it is safe to assume that you have decided to move on.

source : http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/AK/AK_EN_1_6_8_7.jsp

Type A
+ Type A male 70%
Type B male 20%
Type O male 95%
Type AB male 65%
Type B
+ Type A male 25%
Type B male 65%
Type O male 89%
Type AB male 75%
Type O
+ Type A male 90%
Type B male 80%
Type O male 40%
Type AB male 30%
Type AB
+ Type A male 50%
Type B male 85%
Type O male 35%
Type AB male 90%


Phone Temashop Keyboard - 폰테마샵 키보드

Phone Temashop Keyboard - 폰테마샵 키보드

Android User

Iphone APP : Kakao Talk Themes : 폰테마샵

Themes for your kakaotalk! :)

Android User
Iphone User



Iphone APP : COCOPPA , Mengganti Icon di Iphone / Ipad

Pengen Iphone Screen kamu jadi kereeeen tapi ga mao iphone kamu di jailbreak? Sekarang Ga perlu jailbreak iphone kamu bwat punya icon2 lucu ini di iphone kamu... Caranya gampang, install aja applikasi lucu dari Jepang ini, namanya COCOPPA kamu bisa dapetin aplikasi ini gratis di AppStore

Kalo kamu2 masi bingung gimana caranya.. coba ikutin step2 ini yaa :

1.Install COCOPPA di iphone kamu, lalu masuk ke aplikasi tsb.

2. Pilih ICON yang kamu suka , disini aku pilih ICON "LINE" (No.1 di Popular icons). Klik icon tersebut

3. Pada step ini, klik "Set up link"

 4. Pada step di bawah ini, klik "App Search"

5. Kamu akan berada pada step pemilihan aplikasi di Iphone (ingat, aplikasi yang akan di link, harus sudah terinstall dalam iphone kamu, disini kita memilih aplikasi LINE, jadi tinggal ketik "LINE" di kolom search setelah itu, klik "Search"

6. Setelah hasil SEARCH muncul.. akan tampak icon LINE asli yang berwarna hijau, klik icon LINE yang berwarna hijau tersebut.

7. Pada tahap confirmation, pastikan icon pilihan anda (LINE berwarna pink) ada di bagian atas, dan icon asli LINE (LINE yang berwarna hijau) ada di bagian bawah, short-cut links. Klik OK.

8. Pada tahap di bawah ini, klik YES

9. Pada tahap ini, lakukan seperti yang di minta

10. Klik "Add to Home Screen"

11. Pada tahap ini, klik tombol "Add" di kanan atas kamu

12. SELESAI! Icon "LINE" yang berwarna pink sudah ada di homescreen kamu, tinggal di pindah ke bagian depan yaa :)

13. NOTE : Jangan MENGHAPUS aplikasi awal, karena icon2 yang kamu buat ini hanya merupakan shortcut link ke aplikasi2 asli yang sudah terinstall di iphone kamu. Untuk menyembunyikan aplikasi2 utama, bisa dimasukkan ke folder tersendiri. Good Luck!




Gangnam Style Emoticons ?

OK, it's a boring topic. ha ha. But i've been searching for Gangnam Style Emoticon and found none...
it took me a while until recently got some results..

For Facebook User :

[[490550790968952]] [[490550800968951]] [[490550807635617]]
[[490550820968949]] [[490550837635614]] [[490550847635613]]
[[490550857635612]] [[490550867635611]] [[490550877635610]]
[[490550884302276]] [[490550894302275]] [[490550900968941]]
[[490550914302273]] [[490550924302272]] [[490550937635604]]
[[490550947635603]] [[490550954302269]] [[490550967635601]]

NOTE: Paste This Code In Chat Window And Not As Comment. Enjoy!
Small Emoticon :


Big Emoticon in Notepad :
sssssssssssssssss       $$$$$$$$$$$ 1111111@@@
sssssssssssssssss1    $$$$; ' ' ' ' ; ; $$$$  @@@@@sss
ssssssssssssss         s$                      $$$  ssssssssssssss
ssssssssssssssss     ; '                            $  sssssssssssssss
ssssssssssssssss     '                               !   ssssssssssssss
sssssssssssssss        !      ■■         ■■         3  sssssssss
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sssssssssssssssssss    \         ^^         /    sssssssssss
ssssssssssssssss   #####@ ____    ####@   ssssssssssss
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ssssssssssssssss         (##@/@!!!!@!@!@      sssssssssssss
    ssssssssssssss       !@@$@!!!@5235@      ssssssssssss
ssssssssssssssssss   /2@$@#!!!!!!234##\  ssssssssssssss
ssssssssssssssss    @^^#%@!!__!!!  @2#\  sssssssssssssss
ssssssssssssss       \@@@@/ --i I--***@&*   ssssssss
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ssssssssssssss  [###Y###/                /##Y##/ sssssssssssssss
sssssssssssss     [##&#T \    ssssss   /###Y#| ssssssssssssssssssss
sssssssssssss      \Y####|     ssss      /    /*#/  ssssssssssssssss
ssssssssssssss       #####\      ss      /$%$\  ssssssssssssssssssssss
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sssssssssssssssss    /$%$\  sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
                              =+=+=   sssssssssssssssssssssssss
*Note : I copy - pasted the one i made on notepad to here, so result might not be the same..
but this is the original source below, u can make it own urself, maybe can create better result ;)

Good Luck and Have Fun! ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪


Korean Movie Time : 건축학개론 / Introduction of Architecture / Architecture 101

  • Movie: Architecture 101 (International English title) / Introduction of Architecture (literal title)
  • Revised romanization: Geonchukhakgaeron
  • Hangul: 건축학개론
  • Director: Lee Yong-Ju
  • Writer: Lee Yong-Ju
  • Producer: Kim Kyun-Hee
  • Cinematographer: Jo Sang-Yoon
  • Release Date: March 22, 2012
  • Runtime: 118 min.
  • Production Company: Myung Films
  • Distributor: Lotte Entertainment
  • Language: Korean
  • Country: South Korea 
  • Website: gunchook.co.kr/...
  • Synopsis:
    A story that starts when Seo-yeon (Han Ga-in) who is the architect Seung-min's (Eom Tae-woong) first love in University, comes to him and asks him to re-build her old house. The movie goes back and forth between the past and present day, being affectionate and refined.
  • Cast: Eom Tae-woong, Han Ga-in, Lee Je-hoon, Suzy, Jo Jeong-seok, Yoo Yeon-seok


watching SBS onair online streaming

well.. penasaran gmana bisa nonton SBS online gara2 drama Rooftop Prince yang masi airing... ga sabar nungguin torrent nya di upload atau live streamingnya di upload T.T
iseng2 gw googling.. nemu deh di website ini

asikk, coba ah.. berhubung gw cuman pengen nonton SBS, gw cuma baca yg bagian SBS, tapi di website itu banyak kok tv korea laen mis.nya KBS etc, jadi bwat yg mo liat tv laen juga en internetnya kenceng, bisa langsung cek aja di website itu :)

untuk SBS Website Live Streaming :

Go to the SBS website and login (you must have a SBS ID). Click on the “On Air” or (온에어) icon near the top left corner of the screen and wait while the TV screen on the left loads up.

If you need a SBS ID, go HERE to sign up. Click on the two “Agree” buttons and then choosing to sign up “Foreigner in overseas.” Fill in the information requested. You must provide verification of your ID by sending either a gif/jpg image of your ID card or faxing/emailing them a copy of your ID card.

This is the last page after registering form is submitted. Gotta wait 24hours for the reply, will i get sbs id or not? i don't know yet! i just signed up lol... will update soon ;)

Updated : Yiy! I got the ID ^^v
